Subscription Plan Benefits Explained
Subscription Plans
Our subscription plans run monthly. This means that for any plan you pay for, you will only enjoy the benefits of this plan for one month. After one month, the benefits expire, and your account reverts back to the free plan. Benefits cannot be carried over and have to be used with the month paid for.
Max Listing
This is the total number of listings you can have published on any plan. You can add as many listings as you have to your account, but the maximum number of listings you can have published at any one time depends on the plan you are on. For example, on a Silver plan, you can only have 50 listings published.
Premium Listings
Premium listings are shown before standard listings when people search for a property on our website. This means premium listings generally get viewed more than standard listings. You can find more details about the difference here: The number of premium listings you can have at any one time depends on the plan you are on. For example, on the Silver plan, you can only have 10 listings made premium at any one time. You can change this around any time you want and as many times as you want, but you can have only 10 at a time made premium.
Boosts allow you to push your older premium listings closer to the top of search results on the day it's boosted. All properties listed on our website have a listing date (this is the day the property was added to our website). When property seekers search for a property on our website, the properties we show them are organised by the date they were added, for example, the listing date. Boosting a listing allows you to bring the listing date forward to the date it is boosted. For instance, let's say you listed a property on June 1, 2021 and today is June 10, 2021; when a property seeker searches for a property, they will see the properties added today, June 10, 2021 first. Then they will see properties added on the 9th all the way until they get to properties listed on June 1, 2021. If you Boost your listing that was added on June 1, 2021 on June 10, 2021, it will appear and be seen with other listings added on June 10, 2021.
Key things to note about Boosts:
- Boosts are only available on premium listings.
- Boosts are only available on our Silver and Gold plans.
- Boosts are limited, so use them wisely. Find out more
- Newly listed premium listings or other more recently boosted listings may show above your boosted listing.
Please watch the below videos that show you how to make a listing premium and how to boost.
How to Make a Listing 'Premium Featured'
How to Boost a Listing
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