How to Upload Pictures To a Listing
To upload pictures for your property listings, follow the steps below:
1. For a new listing, log into your account and select "Add Property."
2. Complete the form, then click "save and add pictures."
3. To add pictures to already existing listings, log into your account and select "My Listings."
4. Select the listing you want to upload images for. Click on "pictures", then follow the remaining steps below
5. You can drag and drop your pictures into the picture box. To do this, open your picture folder. Click and hold the picture you want to upload, drag it to the picture box and drop OR select the "browse" button.
6. Navigate to the folder where your pictures are saved and select the pictures you want to upload. The pictures upload automatically when you select them.
7. After the pictures have been uploaded, you can change the order in which they appear using the "up or down" arrow keys as seen in the image below. If you do not want to change the picture order, skip to step 9.
Select the picture you want to appear first as no. 1, the picture you want to appear second as no. 2, and so on.
8. After selecting the picture order, click "save picture order"
NOTE: If you do not save the picture order after changing the picture order, the pictures won't show up the way you want them to appear.
9. Click on "finish.".
Your pictures have now been successfully uploaded. If you still have problems with uploading pictures, please Contact Us
Tags: pictures, images